Tested these 3 batches of ammo today.
Had some feeding issues with the Noslers.
elite hunters seemed to have accuracy issues.
VLDs seemed to be right on.
These were all ran right around 2600fps. Banged steel 6″ gong @200yds
I ended up holding -13MOA on the scope and holding the left edge to ring hits. Most fun was doing double and triple taps on the plate.
Brass Used was a mix of New, 1x and 2x fired Starline match prepped: converted 6.5 Grendel, annealed, neck turned, inner neck champhered and honed. Brass looked good, Flat primers, slight ejector mark. Max charge decided on previously, this was just to test functionality. Wolf SRM Primers and LeverEvolution.
I did have a few Failure to feeds on the 108 EHs Loading them in the mag they are very long and may need to seat them a bit deeper. It seems like the tips are hitting the top of the chamber and getting stuck and the bolt just rides over the lip to jam in the shoulder.