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From YouTube to Rumble and found another great 6mmARC 1k build success

6ARC Load Development, Range Days 2022-01-16

We all have things to work on… I try to be the person to at least think those words when disposition comes along. I’m starting to feel really great about breaking bad habits. In particular for today is You Tube…

So I started up Rumble and what do you know one of the first things I search for is 6ARC and nothing … dang, then “6mm ARC” and boom!, I’m rewarded with a great video from last month fresh on top of the stack so I clicky it…

Its a video about a budget build AR with a goal of 1k yds. Hooked. It happens, they walk it out from 100 to 1k and ring constant dings on target. Then the spotter pulls up and does the same with his. Dueling 6mm ARCs. Sweet. Great success! I think the total was $1350. Amazing. I was proud to be the first to comment. Here is the link.


The scene is changing. More people are tired of being censored (in our case guns specifically which is my current top hobby…) and thus I’m just going to make a pointed effort to just not watch YouTube. I’m sure there will be specific instances, Photoshop tricks, fixing old cars. I have not missed FB at all and I’m hoping YT falls to the same category eventually. I also do think that as more SM emerges people will move more toward managing their own content/servers/sites and just embed whatever they can in actual web pages. If the Video host censors or you want to change, your content structure is still there, just change the embed to the next provider as needed.

I have also posted my very first video on Rumble, Embedded below, it’s not much just a quick mag dump at 300, but we will see how they roll and prepare for more…

Notes: Watching Tim Pool’s show with the CEO of Rumble was what turned me. Currently they are Canada based but are moving to FL this year. If they don’t move to the US and support 2A vids I will leave period and find the next. So its up to you Rumble. Remember even Google started out with the “don’t be evil” mantra…

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Building the Kraken – Ruger 22 lower by Tandemkross

TriggerSnob - Gun Smithing 2022-01-13

TK just released the Kraken https://www.tandemkross.com/the-kraken-aluminum-lower-for-the-ruger-mark-iv-2245.html

With the BYOK Kit, you have everything needed to build a full lower. A donor frame/stock lower is no longer needed. Just build lower and pick upper of your choice.

The machining and fit and finish are top quality. The fit is TIGHT. I’ve built a few older Rugers and this was still a bit of a challenge. It was a fun project. The internals used the Volquartsen sear, but the TK trigger. A few tips:

  • mixed parts in the BYOK kit- maybe I mixed them up, but check the small BYOK kit on this pdf. 6/7 and 1/2 were swapped. Once that was identified, all GTG: https://www.tandemkross.com/assets/images/product-Rebuild_Kit_Ruger-Mark_IV-2245-Part_Chart.pdf
  • when putting in the safety and setting the hammer, you have to pull the trigger to allow the trigger bar to go down and then into the slot on the sear. Before I was pushing down like mad trying to get the hammer seated but it just wouldn’t go.
  • Put in the set screw into the trigger before installing, it will make it easier.
  • I still prefer the Volquartsen triggershoe.
  • the extended mag button is plastic, not metal, I will most likely make a metal replacement.
  • the extended safety is very good, better than expected.

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