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Confirming Zero @ 750 yards.

Range Days 2023-05-22

Took the 6.5 RAP build to make sure it was zeroed properly @750. I loaded about 10 extra rounds for the  Pokemon rifle and took it to see if it was still on at 100/1000 with only a Base Dial setting. I took the 600yd gas gun(6ARC) as a backup, sinch the range was a good 2 hour drive. I took no pistols today which was a first, my focus was on Rifles today.

Shooting the 6.5 first, I confirmed zero @ 100 on the sighter plate and then moved to the 750 plate. The range’s TV target monitors were out on the 750 target so I was depending on my OLD spotting scope and my CHEAP SWFA 20fixed so spot shots. It was not mesmerizing. At 750 I seemed to be on at the lg sighing plate, but it was so speckled I couldn’t tell. I tried a few shots at the other circle targets but couldn’t confirm hits. I went back to the 600 yd berm and well those targets were cheeta printed as well. I tried da couple of shots with a hold under for 600. I still couldn’t tell as far as hits. This sport has constantly honed one of my life skills – patience. I simply waited for the next cold range and went and painted targets.

With a fresh batch of white on steel, I decided to start at 600 and confirm hits with my hold under there before moving to the 750 berm. I saw my hits on the sighting plate. A little high and right. I was working with a sub optimal rear bag setup but was able to start dinging targets at 600. I did dial in 1MOA of wind and noted how spongy the dials were on this cheap scope. I thing to myself “just another reason to hold as opposed to dial”. Having dialed all this in just one time previous, I was referring to my Dope card. I was able to confirm the elevation for these Barnes 140MBs @600yds to be -6MOA. With the new wind “dialed” in and holding confirmed elevation, I started dinging the round swingers at 600.  The first one was large 24” followed by smaller plates with a 4” and finally a 2” circle on the right of the swinger’s rack. The last small 2” circle reminded me of an “almost done” dum-dum hanging upside down. I tried to hit that sucker a couple of times but I was only able to hit the 4” circle today (at 600 yds) – good enough for my redneck engineered pea shooter and standard practice ammo.

After cleaning all but the smallest circle  on 600 I moved back up to 750. Sighing plate was still GTG so I held straight crosshairs (with no dialing), and nailed the center plate. From there I chose a full size silhouette steel target and started letting them fly. The target had an orange waterline painted across it. I held generally center and was able to score hits. Then I started pinpointing shots on the waterline. With a few very close. I started trying for headshots. I didn’t score any hits there but got the neck shots and a couple that would have pierced an ear.

With the last 5 or 6 rounds I then set my sights on the 1000 berm. Again, there is no dialing just hold. I was holding 10MOA and saw my rounds hit the dirt. I held another 2MOA and was able to hit the lg sighter plate to confirm that yardage/hold. Then I ran out of practice ammo. With another box of 40 handloaded rounds ready to go, I thought to myself I will just save these and go get the big rifle now.

So the 300PRC Pokemon rifle with the Iveytron setup entered the bench. I had 3 rounds left over from last times range visit. I had made another 10 rounds to shoot today specifically. My goal was get the 1250 plate today. Didn’t happen.

I got setup on the bench and set the Ivey base to 0 and took a shot at the 100yd sighing plate. Dead center with authority. Unlocked the Ivey Base and set it to 25MOA and took a shot at 1k. no call. Took a shot at the 24” plate and missed it to the low and right. I was about to load up my mag again and dial wind and hold another 2MOA but alas I didn’t seat my bullets short enough so they were jamming the lands and would not load. I sighed in disbelief as the 1250 plate laughed in my face. I thought about breaking out the gas gun (that I brought for backup fun) but just decided to I packed my shit and went home for another day.

On the way home I thought about the wind and the wins. The win was that through patience I was able to get on at 600/750 with only 4 clicks of wind. Patience kept me from second guessing myself and turning knobs in hopes of hits. Having recorded dope cards and copious notes also did not hurt. Knowing that rifle is zeroed at 750 and knowing the 600 hold made me feel good about the trip overall.


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