SAR K2-45 Grip Size vs CZ 97
In terms of “Feel” SAR wins. It is a more rounded grip and feels more natural, like a monkey paw grabbing a tree branch. The CZ97 is more of a flatter grip. The grips are wider, not thicker per sey. So there is more distance from the webbing of your thumb to the Slide Release on the 97 than the K2. This flatter design may help with keeping the barrel from moving side to side a little better. When shooting both back to back, the 97 wins, but I think some of that is due to the Fiber Optic sights. The think aluminum grips on the 97 would help a bit on the long reach to the slide lock, but honestly makes the 97 feel more like a sheet of steel and is not comfortable for me to shoot. Maybe they put the thin grips on to help it be more carryable or whatever, I much prefer the bigger wood or rubber grips.
The K2 grip shape is hard to beat and it holds 14 rounds stock and I wouldn’t change a thing.

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