.22 Joker Pistols
I had a couple of recent range trips with some ridiculously long 22 pistols. A couple of weeks ago I shot the Ruger Scoped Black Grand Mamaba out to 200yds. This past weekend we piled up a mess of other Rugers as well and shot them at the 50yd berm. Targets were a mix of clays, a plastic self healer and 3 brand new bright red Calloway golf balls. I scored them along with a nice white golf glove at the golf Range the day before.

Anyway, we had a blast, but in my haste, I forgot to mount another scope on the Black Grand Mamba (the Valdada went back on another rifle). So, we got to the range and dang if we didn’t just Joe Dirt that pistol and sight right down the full pic rail that was mounted on top. Just line the edges at the muzzle up and have at it. The amazing light weight, superb trigger, and long sight radius make this thing a runner. I may run it at speed steel like this for the fun of it.

I wouldn’t say that would be the most accurate, but it was surprisingly able to make the 4″ self healer dance at 50 yds plenty good enough. The thing feels like a paper wand its so light. Shooting it standing freehanded was perhaps my favorite and I may just leave it that way and try the rifle scopes on something else (the 10″ bull barrel) perhaps.

We shot the Bond pistol and slabside too. The Bond Pistol is a MkII with gold bolt and trigger all iron sights. Another bonus is that we got to just mow through some random assortment of ammo that I had been testing – I’m trying to thin the variance and get more bulk. Anyway, I have a lot of cleaning to do but man I love these Ruger .22 pistols.
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